Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Worst Kind of People

My husband and I are what I like to call the "worst kind of people".  Why, you may ask? The answer is simple.  We are two of THE most competitive people in the world, and by some sick twist of fate, we ended up together. 
When I say we are competitive, please do not take this lightly.  Im 100% serious.... we compete in everything we do.  The second we step out of our second floor apartment, it's a race down the stairs.  The loser of the race then exclaims, "RACE YOU TO THE CAR" and its on to the next challenge where the loser yells, "NO, YOU DIDN'T WIN! THE RACE WAS TO SEE WHO COULD GET THEIR SEATBELT ON THE FASTEST." And that's not even the beginning. 
Here are some more things we compete at:
Sports (Any/All sports)
Who can sing the loudest
Who can get the most words right when singing a song
Who is a better dancer (yes, we have dance offs in the privacy of our own home)
Who is cuter
Who has a bigger butt (surprisingly, I think Landan takes the cake on that one but I can't tell him that!)
Who can read faster
Who can eat faster (Yes we did get a 50 piece chicken nuggets meal at McDonalds to see who could scarf that down faster)
Who can unlock the door faster when coming home from an excursion
Who is a better driver
Who is more popular
Who dresses better/Who has better style
Who can skip higher/better
Who is a better cards player
Who is a more savvy monopoly player
Who is a better husband/wife
Who knows more facts (Landan likes to ask me this, "How does it feel to know that you're always wrong?)
Who can cook better
Who can walk out of the grocery store having spent the least amount of money
Who can get more answers right on the 'Newlyweds Game' (that almost ended in a divorce...)

This list goes on and on!  We just disgust ourselves with all this rivalry.  If at any time, Landan and I happen to be on the same team during some physical activity, one of us must immediately request to switch teams. For example, we happened to be playing tennis with some of our good friends a couple months ago.  We decided on couple against couple and preceeded to play.  Around the 4th time Landan missed a shot, I was convinced he was trying to make us lose on purpose!  It's a problem that we're not proud of.  We have learned since, that if we're going to stay married (which is our goal) that we need to restrict our activities while together to things such as: eating, sitting, looking at each other (but no staring contests), holding hands (but no thumb wars), and watching tv.  We couldn't be happier!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

First Entry ♥

Okay people, so almost every single person I know (and their dog) has a blog, so I thought I would jump on this bandwagon and start my own blog!  I have to give a little shout out to my girl Sydney for actually helping me set this thing up, she's the best!  Anyways, I'm always saying how "My life is so interesting, I need my own reality show",but untill the people at MTV and E! come to their senses, this will have to do!

So let's get all of this intro stuff out of the way.  My name is Alexes Morgan, I'm a sassy little 19 year old who shocked the world and got married at 18.  (I know, totally crazy)  I go to school in Las Vegas, Nevada and I'm here studying Business with a focus in Marketing, but stay tuned because my major changes almost daily....  I work my life away at the Bookstore at my school, and I do eyelash extensions.  Im pretty sure its the new 'hairdresser' because people tell me THE most awkward things about their lives while sitting in my chair!  Anyways, my cute little husband Landan is a complete doll and we will have been married a whole year January 7th, 2012.  He's my best friend, love of my life, and hands down the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I'm kiiinnnddd of obsessed with him. ♥