Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Body:  Thank you for finally succumbing to the December Sniffles.  And here I thought I was going to just breeze right on through this stressful Holiday season without so much as a runny nose.  Thank you for breaking down so I don't have to walk around worrying about when I'm going to get sick.  Now we can just get this over with and move on with our lives!  

Dear finals:  Thank you for being over.  If all goes well, I might be looking at straight A's this semester which would be righteous!  Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!  

Dear Mom and Dad:    Thank you for taking us to The Happiest Place on Earth! DISNEYLAND! *said in Oprah voice*  It was a blast!  I'm so thankful for my parents for taking us on this trip! It was a much needed stress relief before life got crazy again. 

Here is my family on the Tower of Terror ride:

Please excuse our faces.  We lost control.

Dear Husband:  Thank you for not saying anything about our dirty house and lack of home cooked meals this week.  Thank you for helping me get through my finals.  Thank you for always being loving and supportive.  The Mr. and I will be celebrating 2 years of marriage in exactly one month from today! 

Dear Domintcia: Thank you for getting all fake offended when I didn't give you a shout out on my last 'Friday Letters' because it made me feel like people actually read my blog ;) ha

Dear Big Sis: Happy 22nd birthday!  You are an amazing person.  I admire your strength, tenacity, and beauty inside and out.  I love you! I hope this year brings you nothing but happiness and success.  

And a big thanks to my readers!  All 7 of you (: 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Letters

                          Hello There! 

My best friend Syd does 'Friday Letters' on her blog (check her blog out here), and I think they are awesome! So I really want to start doing them on my own blog, hopefully this will help me get into the habit of blogging more.  I realize how horrible I am at blogging and I'm sorry.... that leads me right into my first letter!

Dear Readers:  I am (for the millionth time) SO sorry I only blog like once every couple of months.  Although I only have 7 followers, I haven't forgotten about y'all!  I will seriously make a more conscious effort to get this thing rollin' again.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.

Dear Landan:  I know I tell you way to much, but I love you so much.  You are the most amazing person I have ever known and I'm kind of obsessed with you. ♥

Dear Netflix:  Stop distracting me with your large variety of hilarious and intriguing shows.  I have a lot of stuff I need to get done and you're not helping!!

Dear Bed:  Thank you for being so comfy, but stop tempting me to take naps!

Dear Mom&Dad:  I love you guys so much! I'm so thankful for all of the time we spend together.  I love hanging out with you both just jokin' around and shootin' the breeze.

Dear Life:  I am so happy with you right now.  Let's make that a permanent thing! 

Okay people so that's all for today!  I hope this will suffice for now, I'll write again soon... PROMISE.


Monday, June 11, 2012


Let me start off this post by clarifying I am NOT pregnant.  I repeat: NOT pregnant.  However, I've recently had an experience (about two hours ago) that I haven't been able to stop thinking about.

I want to start at the beginning and give a little background on the subject.  I have worked at my current job for about a year and a half.  During the course of this employment venture, I have developed a friendly relationship with my boss.  She frequently asks me about things that are going on in my life and is pretty well up to date with what is happening with my schooling, marriage, family, etc.  We have some really good talks with one another regarding all of these topics.  However, this morning when I went into work, I had a conversation with her that I haven't been able to stop thinking about since it occurred.

I have informed my boss that I will be leaving this job at the end of summer. Due to the fact that I am employed by Nevada State College, and given that I will no longer be attending school there in the fall, I technically lose my job.  That being said, my boss has relentlessly tried to keep me.  She has tried everything! She has pulled me into her office and tried to plan out a degree path for me, she has mentioned hiring me on as a full time staff member, part time staff member, etc.  I appreciate these gestures because it shows she cares about my well-being, and wants me to succeed.

I have a couple of issues with school right now.

1. I am extremely close to obtaining my AA which means I will then have to pick a major
2. I have no idea what I want to be when I 'grow up'
3. Given that my husband is almost done with his BS, we will most likely be moving in about a year
4. I don't want to waste time or money taking classes I don't need, or wont transfer if we have to move for my husband's grad school.

That being said, I have seriously considered taking time off from school once I am finished with my AA.

This morning, as I was working, the topic of my  leaving was brought up again.  I hate these conversations, because every single time I have them with people in general there is always a tone of disappointment in their voices when I say I may not return to school after I finish my AA.  Not to mention all the 'life advice' people seem to throw at you, even when you don't ask for it.  Anyways, the conversations that I have regarding my leaving school always go a little something like this:

"I just really hate to see you leave.  Most people leave college, and they don't come back!"
"So you're really just dropping out?"
"Even if you don't know what you want to do, at least keep taking classes"
*and my two personal favorites....

"Well what if you get pregnant, then you'll never finish your degree"
"Women who get pregnant before the age of 25 are 75% more likely to live below the poverty line"

So by the time my boss and co-worker stared giving me the usual run down, I could feel myself getting so irritated and annoyed.  Not only to I feel as if I am never truly listened to, but it is extremely hard for me to express the way I feel to my boss.  A 37 year old feminist who has never been married, doesn't have children, and has almost always chosen her career over everything else.  Now I see nothing wrong with that. I have nothing against people who seek fulfillment through advancements in their careers.  I think it's great.

I've never really had a good idea of what I would pursue as a career path, but one thing I have ALWAYS been sure of, is that I want to be a mom someday.  Not tomorrow, maybe not even in five years, but one day. Both my mother, and my religion have fueled my desire to have children. And I want to raise my children similar to how my mother raised me.   I have a wonderful mom. I was fortunate enough to have a mom who was able to stay home with my throughout my childhood, and that is exactly what I want to do once I have children.  I don't want to miss out on important life events because I'm forced to work.  Not to mention I know plenty of women who had children extremely young, and how gone back to school and have been successful.  I truly believe that I can have my cake and eat it to.

So my question is this:

How do you explain this to someone?

I am aware that my views on having children are not shared by the world.  Women nowadays are focusing on their careers more, and having children later on in life.  That isn't something I'm interested in.  I don't want to be 60 when my children are just hitting their 20's.  I definitely want to be young when my children are having children.  I want to be able to enjoy a nice big family and be healthy enough to do any activity my grandchildren can do.  I want to be able to relate to my kids on a level that older parents can't.  I wan't to be able to enjoy my retirement. I would like to go on a couples mission with my husband!  I personally, think being a mother the most important thing a woman will ever do with her life.  But how do I explain to people that a fancy corporate job will never truly be fulfilling to me.  Never.  The only way I will ever truly be fulfilled will be through raising, loving, enjoying, and spending as much time with my family as possible.

This doesn't make me 'stupid' and I don't feel like I'm 'putting everyone before me and my success'.  I still value education.  I'm not trying to belittle that.  My point in all of this, is that I think motherhood is just as, if not more important that any other top career out there.  It is not something to be taken lightly, and its not something you can do halfway, and then just give up.  Motherhood is a life long job, and something that should be celebrated.  I think it should be a priority, not a second thought.

With that being said, I love my husband.  I love my Savior.  I love my Parents.  These are the only people I need to answer to.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!

Recently I posted a status on my face book page asking the question, "What should my next blog post be about?" My mother, of course, replied "ME!" (selfish).  Even though I'm about 65% sure she was joking, I have decided to dedicate this entire blog post to the woman who gave me life.  The most amazing mother in the whole world, Cynthia Alice Hunt Bailey.

I was fortunate enough to have a mother who was able to stay home with four rambunctious kids while we were growing up.  For those of you who know the Bailey family, know that we have, and always will be a lot to handle.  That being said, I think the best way to describe my mom would be 'patient'.  She worked hard everyday to teach us the things mothers teach children, and sacrificed a lot so that we would have all that we needed.  Words cannot express how incredibly grateful I am for this woman.

I received a text this morning that I feel is share-worthy.  At 9:28 this morning, my mother texted me saying,

"Just letting you know that Landan wished me a happy borthday over an hour ago.... stiiilll haven't heard from you. (; "  And yes, she really said borthday.  Looks like 'one year older and wiser too' doesn't always hold true does it Red? (:

So today it is your birthday mom. Should I tell everyone how old you're turning? (just kidding, of course.... 29....) And to honor your birthday I thought I would compile a small collection of pictures that I love of my beautiful, loving, intelligent, hard-working, hilarious mother.  This woman is incredible.  Let's take a minute to congratulate the winner of the 'Mother of the Year' award for the past 21.5 years!  Happy Birthday Red.

Family Pictures Christmas 09'
Cancun Mexico 

My fabulous Mom and Dad
January 7, 2011 

Bucca Di Beppo

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Perfect Bun

Hello my six blog followers, (and all others who might read this), do I have a treat for you?! I have struck gold. One of the latest and greatest hairstyles of this trend cycle is this little cutie:

Ahhhh yes.  The Top Knot.
This style is so elegant and versatile! You can wear this hair style with jeans and a top or with an evening gown! The possibilities are endless.  So I know you're thinking, "Well these two lovely ladies have celebrity stylists, I couldn't possibly get my hair to do that!" WRONG! I found this handy dandy little video that will help you out!  I've tried it, and it's easy as pie.  The classiest hairstyle at the drop of a hat, no haitstylist needed.  Give it a try ladies! I guarentee you'll love it, and let me know how it goes.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Get the Look for Under $70.00

Alright people, back again! Today I have a cute little outfit that is perfect for springtime! You can get my rendition of this entire outfit for less than $70.00!!

If you'll notice, this outfit also has a cute pair of cheetah shoes! This is just a perfect example of how versatile this piece can be!  Oh and keep in mind, these recreations of mine wont be exact, but I'll do my best!

Top H&M: [here] $9.95
Pants: Forever21 [here] $15.80
Shoes: Target [here] $12.99
Earrings: Foreve21 [here] $2.80
Ring: Forever21 [here] $3.80
Bag: Foever21 [here] $24.50

There you have it ladies! This ENTIRE outfit for $69.84 before tax. Again, it's not perfect! Also, it's obvious that the majority of the things I find closest to these high prices beauties, are from Forever21.  If anyone has something that they think is a better fit than what I posted, let me know! Of if you have a store that you LOVE, and is reasonably priced, let me know. (:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Get the Look for Under $60.00

Hello there! I hope everyone has had a great week so far.  So I've been doing a lot of thinking and with a little help from my number one blog fan, Anam, I realized I actually want my blog to have a purpose.  Beyond the whole 'telling about my life', which is still really important, I really want this blog to accomplish something!  So while I'm figuring this whole thing out, I thought I would do a little something along the lines of "Get the Look for under".

I, like I'm sure soooo many others are totally addicted to Pinterest.  I love the little outfits they put together for you on there! Its so convenient and whoever is putting them together has some SERIOUS style.  So as I thought about it, I decided that I could try to piece together outfits but do it for people on a budget.  Let's face it, the majority of America right now is broke with a capital B. Why should we have to sacrifice style when there are tons of fashion resources out there to help us save some cha-ching??

So here is the look I'm going to try to recreate for under $60.00.
Top: Forever 21 [here]
Leggings: H&M [here]
Shoes: Target [here]
Clutch: H&M [here]
Shades: Forever 21 [here]

Okay there you have it ladies and gents.  This entire outfit for $57.49 (before tax) !! This is a really cute and affordable outfit perfect for a anything from a date, to grocery shopping. Stay tuned for my next attempt! 

Friday, February 24, 2012

My Lust List

I have been in a frenzy lately, ladies and gentlemen.  I have this uncontrollable desire to shop!  I've spent so much time recently just lusting after clothes, jewelry and shoes.  Shout out to pinterest for feeding into that obsession... Anyways, I thought I would share my list, which I have narrowed down to 8 things (because 8 is my favorite/lucky number), juusssttt incase someone reads this, and uses some of these for birthday presents.  *cough Landan cough*.... Now some of these items are a little pricey, but my birthday isn't until August so I, being the considerate person I am, thought I would put this out there early, so there is plenty of time to save those pennies. :)  OH and since I'm such a sweetheart, I also went ahead and put them in order of price from lowest to highest JUST for you honey!

1. I feel like this sweater is just a great piece. H&M $12.95

2. These are so cute! And so cheap! Target $12.99

3. I hear lime green is going to be a hot color this season.  This swimsuit is adorable. H&M $24.95

4. Blazer.  I definitely neeeed this.  H&M $49.95

5. This belt... is soooo cute! J.Crew on sale! $59.99

6. This dress looks very retro, but sooo cute! $82.00

7. Classic Pave Link Bracelet.  I know, I know, a little pricey.... J.Crew $118.00

 8. These shoes! The things I would do for them... Tory Burch via $225.00

 This is my Lust List. What's on yours? I feel like this list could be made into a perfect 10 items, any suggestions??

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Go Away February!

We're only 12 days into February, and I am BEGGING for it to be over.  This has literally been one of the hardest months of my existence thusfar.  So much has gone wrong in such a short amount of time, that I really feel like every time I start to get over something, another blow hits.

I wont go into details about all of my problems, because who wants to read that? I don't even want to read that. But we'll just say my family has gone through some serious tragedies as of late. Its gotten more and more difficult to find a light at the end of this February tunnel.  I know I'm not the first person to go through something like this, or the last; but the reason I started this blog was to talk about my life and experiences and this is one of them.

I think during times like this, it's important to lean on those who matter most to you.  Things are so much easier to handle and deal with when we rely on others.  Family is what makes the world go round.  When you don't have family, you really don't have much.  It's so important to focus on the good things in life, and realize that we may not have control over what others do or say, but we have absolute control over ourselves. And THAT is a great feeling.

What do you do when your down?  What helps you feel better?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Best Friend

I know it's been a while since I posted, (8 days to be exact) but I was waiting for this particular day to write my next post.  This is an extremely special day for us here at the Morgan house.  It is on this day, one year ago, that we got married! 

So for those of you who don't know, I met Landan Dymond Morgan when I was 13 years old.  We were on this two week long trip called the 'Back East Trip' where we visited all of the historical church sites back east.  Landan and I were fortunate enough to be assigned to the same bus, and the luck continued as his crappy friends 'forgot' to save him a seat by them, so he had to sit in the back by me! We talked for a little, and quickly became friends.  I would have Landan talk to all the boys I liked, and as his reward, I would tell him secrets I had dug up about people on the bus.  (We were quite the little team).  Landan was such a little dork, I remember him telling people to 'call him Captain Morgan' ..... and flirting with all these girls on the trip because as he puts it, he's a "Big Deal".  I also remember Landan coming to my 14th birthday party, but I did not like him, and was definitely not interested in him.  Infact, I was not even remotely interested in him untill he returned home from his mission FOUR YEARS LATER.

Landan would not date me untill I was out of high school, so the day I graduated I texted him and said, "I think I'm finally old enough for you now." And the magic began! Landan and I dated all throughout summer and decided that we were not going to break up when I went to college at Northern Arizona University.  Two weeks after I had left, this smooth talker came up to my school to propose to me.  I, of course, said yes without hesitation and we began making plans.  Our long distance engagement was hard, but Landan wrote me letters, called, texted, skyped, and sent me presents almost every week so I wouldn't miss him too much.  When it was finally time for me to move back home, it was the middle of December and the wedding was only a few short weeks away!  When the day finally came, Landan picked me up, and we took our little road trip to St. George where we were married and sealed on January 7, 2011 in the St. George temple. 

I love Landan more than words can even express.  I really feel like he is the only person on this whole earth that I could have married.  He is so patient, kind, giving, hardworking, honest, loving, and of course handsome.  He comes from such an amazing family who has been so gracious and has accepted me as one of the family since day one of meeting me.  I have the best in-laws anyone could even dream of.  They raised a son who is more than I even imagined.  He is truly an incredible man, and I am so happy and fortunate to have found my soulmate at such a young age.  I love you Landan! One year down, forever to go. ♥